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I decided to post about Shannon from Bruthas Who Luv Muthas mainly because I am feeling dirty and she looks like a nasty slut. 

Could you imagine growing up having a dirty slut like this for a mom, Bruthas Who Luv Muthas would say your mom is a hot MILF.  You’d get beat up daily because you can’t let that shit pass, and in calling her a hot MILF they are just saying she fucks everyone and you know it’s true because you banged her too.  You sick Mother fucker, literally.

Well anyway, if you like seeing dirty sick looking MILFS, get banged by Bruthas Who Luv Muthas go take a look at this site.  But I must warn you the majority of the hot Milfs on this site are actually very sexy, there are only a few nasty bitches like Shannon on there.